New website & email addresses

It brings me immense pleasure to share with some thrilling updates that have been in the works for quite some time now. As you might have already noticed, DutchCham has undergone a transformation – a makeover, if you will! We’re delighted to unveil the new look of our website, alongside the news that you can now find us under new email addresses ( 



Alongside our fresh branding, we’re so excited to introduce our revamped website. We’ve worked tirelessly to create a look and feel that fits our new brand, is more visually appealing than it was and resembles our mission (connect, inform, inspire). Our new website will serve as a hub for all things DutchCham: stay updated on events, find other members to connect, and get inspired by the topics and articles we present. 

You can now find us at



Now, let’s talk about something equally important – our new email addresses. We have migrated our email addresses to our new company name to align with our updated brand identity. This transition represents a significant milestone for us, and we want to ensure a seamless experience for everyone. You can now find us at:

I want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to three exceptional teams: 

  • Shiok, for designing this new look and feel, shaping DutchCham into a brand that truly resembles our values.
  • Manifera, for installing the entire new website.
  • Juliette van der Burgt (Board member Marketing & Communication) and the entire executive team for their hard work, support and keen eye throughout this project. 

You were all instrumental in bringing DutchCham’s new look and website to life. We couldn’t have done it without you, and we are truly thankful for your outstanding contributions.

As we move forward with our fresh identity, we remain steadfast in our mission to strengthen the Dutch business community in Singapore. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and events in the coming months. See you all soon!


Lotte Harenslak

Marketing Manager DutchCham