Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub Summary: DutchCham

Driving innovation: DSM’s Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub

Our partner Royal DSM has opened the doors to its Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub, a collaborative platform designed to enable the co-creation of solutions which tackle Asia Pacific’s nutritional, health and sustainability challenges.

Anchored by DSM and powered by innovation catalyst Padang & Co, the Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub aims to connect technology startups, entrepreneurs, and other partners to foster innovation in the material and life sciences ecosystem. The hub also provides members unique access to DSM’s network, technical expertise and application centers to help build their capabilities and support product development.

Leveraging the vibrancy of Singapore’s start-ups and DSM’s wealth of expertise in emerging science, the Innovation Hub will create new opportunities that deliver positive impact in the region, tackling malnutrition, enabling more sustainable food production and accelerating progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

For interested startups, corporate and ecosystem partners that are exploring partnerships and innovation opportunities, or seeking to establish their footprint in Singapore, find out more by visiting the Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub and book a tour: