Since 30 years ago, when the Activity-Based-Working (ABW) philosophy was pioneered by Veldhoen + Company, many companies (especially in Europe, US and Australia) have started on the journey of this new way of working. In Asia, people are maybe just more familiar with ‘hot-desking’, ‘open-plan office’ or ‘free-address’. Things are changing now – for the better!
The realization that one solution can’t fit all and that people needs have to be prioritised above real estate cost savings, the realization that the workplace experience is an important element in the employer value proposition, the increasing war for talent, expectations of agility, resilience, collaboration and innovation – all are driving Asian leaders to start thinking about adopting ABW.
When Sennheiser Singapore was about to move their office in last year, despite of the need of a new workplace, they were looking for a workplace where all employees would engage and collaborate, a place where more innovative idea will be generated, and a working environment that will retain the young and potential talents. They also felt the urge to promote a global and open mindset in this dynamic digital age. All these have led them to the conclusion that adopting an activity-based workstyle would be a key strategic decision to support their business ambitions.
Join us for a tour, in which you will be able to see how Sennheiser’s workplace could meet different activity needs, and further improve the collaborations and communications across different departments; how employees’ behavioural change has led to a profound impact on the company’s culture transformation and how important trust and leadership are to make this journey successful.
A deep dive discussion facilitated by Iolanda and Gijs will help you to clarify some common misunderstandings of ABW. They will also share the opportunities and challenges they have seen in most of the Asian companies when embracing new ways of work. It’s your opportunity to have a closer look at what ABW is really about.
Lunch, coffee and tea are included.
10:45 am – Registration at Sennheiser Singapore
11:00 am – Sennheiser Singapore Introduction
11:30 am – Sennheiser Office Tour
11:50 am – Veldhoen + Company | New Ways of Work in Asia
12:45 pm – Quick Lunch & networking
Iolanda Meehan is the Managing Partner at Veldhoen+Company in Asia. She has more than 20 years of business management and HR expertise, and thrives on topics such as the future of work, mobility, and flexibility for employers and employees. She is a driver of change and initiator of transformation.
Gijs Nooteboom is the Managing Partner at Veldhoen+Company in Australia & New Zealand. Gijs consults organisations as they redefine the way they work, guiding them on their transformational journey. He has more than 12 years of experience in this field. He is sure to challenge some of your beliefs and thoughts.
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