Eline Leussink

Eline Leussink

  • Starting her career as a consultant in London, Eline has held various roles in commercial services across the Healthcare and Services industries. 
  • Most recently she established and led the Professional Services business line for Philips Asia Pacific, based out of Singapore. Prior to this role, Eline led various strategic partnership opportunities across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America for Philips, before becoming Philips’ Global Business Partner for activation of commercial solutions.
  • Previously she held various (senior) business and solution development roles in the Facilities Management industry. 
  • Eline’s expertise is in establishing business lines, translating strategy into operations and developing innovating solutions and services value propositions. 
  • She holds an MA in International Business and also studied Contemporary History and Politics, specialising in Decolonisation of Southeast Asia.
  • Eline has lived and worked in the United Kingdom and The Netherlands before moving to Singapore in 2020.