Tech community

We provide a platform for leaders and future leaders in the digital tech community to engage in dialogues and explore opportunities for collaboration. We aim to be a progressive, pioneering, forward-looking community, and to connect like-minded individuals interested in the technology space. Our focus is on digital technology.

Whether you are working for a startup or an MNC, we invite all to join in thought-provoking and progressive knowledge-sharing sessions between thought leaders in Singapore.

We want to uplift collaboration and connection between the international tech communities in Singapore.

We are inviting and calling out anyone to join our community (as a member) who is interested in the disruptive space of Tech!


Inspiring Spaces
We like to dive deep and address spaces in the digital and technology industry, e.g.:

  • Evolution of companies – from startup to unicorn to profitability to dinosaur.

  • Women in Tech

  • Thought-provoking topics like the rise of ChatGPT versus the challenges of other companies like TikTok and Facebook in the ever-changing Tech trends. 


What to look out for

Networking events
Company site visits
Panels & discussions
… and have some fun along the way!



Committee Members


Events by the Tech Committee






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