Claudia Zeisberger

Claudia Zeisberger

Claudia Zeisberger is a Senior Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences and Entrepreneurship & Family Enterprise at INSEAD, and the Founder and Academic Director of the school’s private equity centre (GPEI). Through the centre’s work, INSEAD has established itself as the go-to source for insights on PE in emerging markets and as an incubator for talent and professionals.

Her links to alumni in the venture space were instrumental in the 2015 formation of “INSEADAlum Ventures (IAV)”, the school’s first dedicated seed fund, by Alumni – for Alumni.

Professor Zeisberger is known for her extensive research on PE in emerging markets, and her output is a function of her close working relationships with private equity firms and their investee companies, institutional investors, Family Offices and Sovereign Wealth Funds.

Joining Academia in 2005 after a 16-year career in investment banking & alternative investments, allowed her to leverage her extensive network and combine her passion for education & innovation by connecting academia with industry.

In 2010, she launched INSEAD’s popular elective “Managing Corporate Turnarounds,” which combines in-class case studies and visits from industry professionals with an intensive computer-based simulation involving the iconic car brand SAAB and its struggle with bankruptcy. Over a full weekend student teams work to rescue the distressed car manufacturer by drawing on their management, finance and operational skills while facing increasingly complex decisions impacting both the firm’s short-term liquidity and long-term value creation. Students consider MCT the perfect course to put their MBA skills to test; corporations see the simulation as an opportunity to prepare their senior executives for challenging times ahead.

Professor Zeisberger teaches the Private Equity & Venture Capital, Corporate Turnaround and Risk management electives in INSEAD’s MBA, EMBA and Executive Education programmes. She has frequently been nominated for the “Best Teaching Award” in her PE elective and has been awarded the “Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in MBA Teaching” annually since 2008.

Professor Zeisberger is a founding committee member of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA) in Singapore and was previously on the Board of the Singapore Venture Capital Association (SVCA). She has worked with clients in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Europe & the Middle East and continues to advise institutional investors, Asian family offices, sovereign wealth funds and regulators on Financial Market Dynamics, Risk Management and Private Capital related issues.